Juicy x

Hands up, I surrender!

I don’t eat enough veggies. Not nearly enough.

Purchasing a juicer two weeks ago has turned that around and I’ve have been using it everyday.

A whole head of celery is pummelled at 7am and gulped down within minutes of opening my eyes. And open my eyes it has.

The medical medium is a you tube sensation that I heard about through my friend. She has been doing it for weeks and it has turned her skin around and given her boundless energy.

Celery contains B.A.C.K vitamins alongside magnesium and potassium to sooth muscles and our nerves. Our livers love it and will love us back as it clears out hidden toxins.

I honestly thought my new toy would join the unused fondue set under the sink. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d been swept along with a fad and an amazon happy finger. Honestly, it has replaced the strong tea and 2 digestive biscuits habit I mindlessly intergrated years ago. My healthy ritual is a great way to start the day. I enjoy the tea and biscuits later.

Cleaning it out is really easy as long as you run it under the tap before the cling sets in.

If I’m juicing spinach and carrot, I’ll use the pulp for a brunch of bubble and squeak with a free range egg on top. Delicious!

Introducing new habits is easier than stopping old ones. For now, this one is here to stay.

Give it a go x you’ll be glad you did

if not now, when?

I love procrastinating!

It isn’t always a bad thing to take your time to sit and think about whatever pops into your head.  Some of my best ideas and business plans were born out of daydreaming.

Allowing ourselves time to ponder is important I feel.  Some may feel it’s lazy and that says more about them than you and another conversation all together.

Everyday I plan to do three things that I need to do and one that I want to do.

Having a ‘power hour’ to do three bitesize projects; pay the bills, write that email and plan healthy meals for the weeks food shop need doing.  In the morning before 11am is when I’m at my sharpest.  So, getting stuff done makes for a successful day.  Small wins are a great boost.

A sticking point for me is exercise.  I don’t really like doing exercise if I’m honest.

I like the way it makes me feel afterwards and that my clothes don’t look so ‘shoe horned’ onto my lovely pear shape, but I still don’t like working out.  As our years advance we can’t keep expecting our bodies to be quite so forgiving can we?

I have friends who love to work out.  One who would go to the gym and classes twice a day if she could.  Bootcamp regulars that are often hobbling or strapped up with tape to ‘repair’ self inflicted damage are a popular sight at the school gates.  I always convince myself that this is exactly why I don’t do it.  Nice try Kelly, but those self inflicted extra lb’s won’t loose themselves.

We can, of course cause damage to our beautiful bodies by not exercising; but where is the sweet spot.  I think I have found it!

I’ve started doing HIIT training for half an hour 4 times a week and although I still don’t practically enjoy it, it’s a small time commitment for visible results.  I feel stronger each day and although my extra weight is slow to melt away on the scales, I have more lean muscle and my clothes are looking better on.  I have had a few compliments too, which was nice.

I listened to an audio book a few months ago about getting things done.  The simple technique involved having a starting ritual and this could be as simple as saying 5,4,3,2,1 to yourself and just starting … that’s it.  So, I gave it a go.

Wow, what a revelation! who would have thought that something so simple could have a HUGE impact on all areas of your life.

Her method behind it went something like this.  When we are tired, bored, lonely or a little unhappy we often talk ourselves out of things, especially those that are difficult.  It’s at this point the negative self talk starts.  You know, that voice that pops up uninvited to your pity party to remind you that whatever you were about to do was a bad idea because … you are fat, stupid, have no friends or ability … blah, blah, blah! I like to call this voice evil edna.  Hello … It’s the feeling part of your brain trying to sabotage your energy again.

The starting ritual she suggested must be carried out as soon as you have the intensional thought to do something.  Literally … I need to pay that bill today 5,4,3,2,1 … move towards the computer.   I’d like to go for a bike ride 5,4,3,2,1 walk towards the bike and put your helmet on. If this is done straight away your immediate thoughts move to the pre frontal cortex of your brain and cannot get sabotaged by negative emotion.

Just start.  That’s all you have to do.  The rest will follow and you’ll feel a positive wave of ‘can do’ sweeping over you.  It’s a good habit to get into and will absolutely love you back.

Recognising the need to relax and reflect is healthy too.

There’s nothing quite like making a mug of hot tea and taking yourself back to bed or to a cosy spot with a magazine to just chill.

The flip side of procrastinating is of course is putting things off because they are difficult, boring, require extra patience or attention and fear.  Fear that if we start something we will perhaps fail.

The 5 second rule can work here too.  Just start moving, mentally or physically toward your idea.  Lean into it and explore even for 5 minutes.  Most creative ideas start this way.

We can talk ourselves out of most things, but putting it off will only come back and bite you on the bum.

Try it x




20151004_130026Welcome to my first post and thank you for joining me on my journey.

Ever wanted to try a new way of thinking to improve most areas of your life?  I did, well I kind of had to. I’m never going back, and try daily to keep on track because it feels so good.  Sounds simple, but it’s not easy.

It’s been said that doing the same things over and over and expecting a different outcome every time is a form of madness.  Actually, I think we are all a little bit mad.

Rarely taking the time to take a good honest look at what’s working and what’s not in our day to day lives often makes us glaze over or search for distraction.

Anxiety, food, negative thought patterns, two more glasses of wine than you planned to drink, gossip, expecting support where it rarely shows up, letting our ego take over, binging on social media, unhelpful procrastination and self talk … name your poison!

We are making ourselves sick.  Choosing to be present in the here and now is our only reliable medicine.

There is no sugar coated pill here; just solid positivity with a side order of straight talk.

We are going to explore ways to lift, brighten and sooth ourselves: like a facial for the soul.

To feel the freshness of real conversation delivered from a loving place and enjoy the zest of that ‘aha’ moment.

I’m not afraid to visit prickly topics. Expect a warm, unapologetic approach to self development to discover what ‘lights you up’ or pushes your buttons.  Remember they are your buttons, and if anything strikes a nerve, it’s a good place to start exploring.

Don’t be afraid to explore and go back to where it started, but don’t dwell for long.

Most of our conditioning is there for a reason. We can use it as a lesson to teach us how to nurture ourselves and armour up.

Mindfully confront a sticky situation to say that was not ok or I did not deserve that!  You are in charge now.  Own it, tackle it, forgive it.

Try hard not to use it as an excuse to sabotage your joy.  Pain will keep feasting on your energy only if you let the pain take up the space.  Joy will love you back.  Gorge on it.

In life you can bite the juicy apple and spit out the seeds.  What might have the potential to choke you, can also grow into a strong, bountiful tree you could one day climb for a clearer view of what’s ahead.

I’m a great believer in being your own best friend.  go on, do it too, I dare you.

You are the only person that will ever truly know you and what your thinking.  You’re not meant to like all of it either. Thoughts are often like squabbling children or clambering monkeys in the back seat of the car your driving.  Every now and then you have to tell them to shut up! remember, you are not your thoughts.

Speak to your true self like a loving friend or a slightly bewildered child. Make a safe space to let her make an appearance and listen or feel without judgement.

You would only want the best for them.  Remember you were once a child with quirky ways and playful antics who got excited about simple things and perhaps felt sad at times.  We are all big children really and need gentle self guidance, not a hero on a white horse to save us.

What would you say to reassure, empower and settle little you? not half of the harsh telling off you choose to beat yourself up with as an adult I bet!  We all do it.

Let’s just go there! free ourselves from self expectations and forgive all we have screwed up.  Go forward with a thirst for self discovery, playfulness and knowledge like a pioneer.  Press the mental reset button and step into a new healthy mindset.

My 47 years on this planet as an entrepreneur, friend, wife and mother to 3 lovely fellow humans has seen more ups than downs.  Most of the downs I fully own.

I am an optimist with an open mind and a beautiful pear shaped behind who is not afraid to tackle prickly topics.  You can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and I don’t try to be.

Women’s health and a positive mindset interests me, and that is how I came to write my blog pricklypear.

I hope you enjoy my posts as much as I enjoy writing them.

Feel free to leave your warm comments and mindful insights so we can all be the change we want to see.

Kelly x